Summer Umbrella Daze ——-The Christmas Install
For six Christmases, the front door has become a temporary space for something on the silly side to welcome guests, provide a frame for phot...
For six Christmases, the front door has become a temporary space for something on the silly side to welcome guests, provide a frame for phot...
The middle fish, top row, below set me off on this piscine pursuit. It was in a sketch book, and an exercise in colour pencils that was left as a one is the loneliest number fish some years back, but that a bad Prussian blue re-do - that murky face middle row below on the right, gave me the aha!’s - which is maybe a controversial aggregate of punctuation, and so now there is a little shoal of paper fish, ready to be suspended in a fake sea. That’s Fishmas for you.
The middle fish, top row, below set me off on this piscine pursuit. It was in a sketch book, and an exercise in colour pencils that was lef...