Sense of Belongiling

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This scene might have come straight out of Newtown circa 1981, but it is the lounge area of Belongil Beach's Treehouse Cafe, 2011. As I don't travel with a scanner ( but I am now wondering about travel scan options) this is uploaded from an iphone photo, which might be a good thing, resolving all shades to a palette of second-hand cane furniture.  It is definitely a study in brown here. Normally I would not sit in a lounge chair to eat, but wholly molly Mr Theo, true teen that he is, made a bee-line ( or should that be a teen-line?) for the squashy velour, laid back , sink in and reading-ness of it.  This might be the diagnostic factor telling teens from adults, the former's ideal meal spot is the couch, the latter, the table. This may be why teens think Table Manners are redundant.

Oh, so much for the decor and erstaz anthropology, what of the food? The coffee was decent,  though on matters of taste I must say the surfeit of tomato sauce on the bacon and egg roll, begs the question was it not a tomato sauce sanger with garnish of egg and bacon.  My only other comment is this: chicken on a pizza.

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