Purple-less and Loitering - Bart Brassica’s Perpetual Pursuit


Alone and palely loitering has been how Mavis Eggwhistle has described herself during the Great Hiatus where Bart Brassica was some place he coyly refers to as Nowhere-To-Be-Seen, now in an attempt to regain some social chutzpah, or at least get a a Mince Tart or some allied Seasonal Greeting from Mavis, Bart has, after considering what enhanced loitering might look like, has ellided Purposeless, with Purple and, not being one for words, has been lurking in this set up to curry favour.   So we find him here in a typical Brassican impasse, what Granny Egg calls ‘A False Cognate of the Physical World’, all through having lent his Shorter Oxford Dictionary to Frank Winkler.  

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