The Egg Shift - Bart Brassica Dreams of Easter Egg-cesses

 Years back Bart Brassica had a thing for Show Rabbbits, or at least one Peter the Ticked Flemish Giant, but his aspiration to win a Blue Ribbon at the Lambertville Show was thwarted by Peter getting into the beet pickle liquor, literally, and coming out Cerise, not a listed Show Rabbit category. However Bart has been dreaming, all too vividly of recruiting Rabbit workers,  as he figures accommodation costs to be next to nothing, and he will not get the kind of surly backchat Frank Winkler delivers and wants to be paid for in advance. So, night time sees this manifestation of Bart’s spring fantasy, whiich he has tried to sell as a joint venture to Mavis Eggwhistle, who refuses to get into this, or Bart’s bed, believing he has slipped a cogito ergo sum. 

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