Super Foods - Fennel-culi and Fennel-cula

 Some years back Bart Brassica did some interesting work on Crop Triangles, by crossing corn with Marzipan, though later Granny Egg called in the FBI considering what she called Marxipan was a danger to voters everywhere. Unfettered, Bart always on the look out for a new super food to flog on Farmgate Fridays, has been experimenting with two varieties of Giant Marzipanised Fennel, and finding no enthusiasm to  the more obvious nomenclatures  Fennel-Pan or Marzi-Fenn, has hit upon calling them  Fennel-culi and Fennel-cula, claiming these names are more tuneful, important for the Singing Sales Pitch traditional to Farmgate Friday.  Bart can’t carry a tune in a bucket, he is hoping that one of the Farmhands, all of whom he has called in to audition, will have some tenor-acity. In case they don’t show up he was bugged the Farmhands quarters to get the inside running. 

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