Granny Eggwhistle in Splendid Isolation

Granny Eggwhistle has, until now, been loquacious but unseen personage in the intermittent reports from Hunterdon County that have come to be known as the Episodes from the Mr Farmhand Series.  She has, as she says of herself, cow-alessed here, in the April Sunday sun in Splendid Isolation. Splendid Isolation is her small farmlet, or as the novelists like to say, plot, it is bucolically woody ( but only as far as the floor).  So she is taking the sun, with her favourite oversized Orpington, the Three Wise Rabbits, a China Lamb ( this to avoid any suggestion that Granny is a carnivore) and Betsy the Curious Calf. Is that an overturned post box behind Granny Eggwhistle?  All of this is something to Ponder on.

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