A Peek at an Unpicked Peck of Unpickled Peppers

Bart is fairly glowing with the reflected radiance of this crop of Yellow Onomatopoeic Peppers. Or, more accurately this is how Bart refers to this variety of peppers, having been in something of a quandary of indecision ( a bit like a quarry but much more cramped, according to Frank Winkler, the self-declared local expert on rock breaking), and muttering Red Peppers? Yellow Peppers? Red Peppers? Yellow Peppers? Red Peppers? Yellow Peppers?,  without cease, until the Mr Farmhand, who has taken over the new nursery section in The Whistle Stop Floriste Shoppe ( to be known as The Whistle Stop Floriste Shoppe and Plant Emporium once Mavis Eggwhistle funds a space for the extra words on the front window, said Oh, For Pete's sake, enough with the Onomatopoeia, and plonked  three dozen seedlings down on the counter. Bart is hoping he can interest in Mavis in a short walk in the Peppers before they start to wilt, or succumb to a November frost.

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