Double Double Dutching - Bart Fakes Fancy Mini-Break

 Bart Brassica is ambivalent about holidays, preferring to abide his time at home but, mindful of his social media profile sometimes will faux-cerise his background and write a witty tag line to incinerate - his word not mine - that he is exoterating ( again a Bartism  which I’ve picked up from his Insta post- and in case you wonder what the flapjack he is on about this is portmanteau for making leisure activities more  exotic ) - or at least  that he is making holiday hay . While this Dutch Motel was once, and might still be, on Route 22, Bart notes the duplicate double digit, its duplicate signage and firmly  believes this guarantees that even if Mavis Eggwhistle does appear, he will get off Scotch Free.  

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