A Room with Three Views

Well, three is an understatement, or more precisely an under-number. There were any number of views from level 13 of the Paramount Apartments on Exhibition Street.  While there is no doubt that the interiors of the Paramount Apartments are tired but functional, the location on the edge of china town and the corner of Bourke Street delivers a number of delicious food options. That ramen is now the food of the moment and book shops an endangered species was clearly demonstrated as what was the Mary Martin Bookshop Cafe around the corner was refitted over the weekend into a Yasu  Ramen (sorry the name is approximate) and bustling with noodle slurpers by Tuesday.

PS In case you are wondering about the title, the image is three layers of the view, two photos and a watercolour pencil sketch, showing how well Melbourne integrates, art, day and night.

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